Friday, March 27, 2020

Is it possible to drive another person's car?

Driving a third party vehicle

It is a common practice, at several levels and transversal to different types of car users: professionals, haulers, but also simple spouses and family members, often find themselves driving third-party cars.
Fake news is circulating on the web according to which this practice is illegal and prohibited by the Highway Code or by ordinary law, sanctioned with fines of different amounts. Instead, it should be specified that the news is actually untrue. To be more rigorous, this is an inaccurate and erroneously spread opinion.

What does the law say?

The normative reference is paragraph 4 bis, inserted in article 94 of the Highway Code by law no. 120 of 2010 and implemented by the new article 247 bis of the Implementing Regulation.
The law, in the most absolute way, does not establish that it is not possible to drive a vehicle registered to another person. The category to which the legislation refers concerns rather a continuous use of the motor vehicle.

This means that anyone can drive a third party car without incurring an administrative penalty.
Instead, what is not allowed is to drive a car, a motorbike or a truck headed to others continuously and for long periods. chadwell heath taxi

Company cars

This is the case, for company cars, where, for example, the employee is entrusted with a car, with which he travels every day, albeit for work reasons. But how to do it in these cases to avoid being fined in case of police control? The law in question explains how, for every use of a vehicle for a period longer than 30 consecutive days, it is necessary to change the headings of the registration documents. More in detail, the data relating to the person who will drive the car (entrusted with the free loan procedure) must be reported: "on the vehicle registration document and in the National Vehicle Archive".

The law is not retroactive and therefore applies exclusively to all those acts put in place starting
The obligation, therefore, does not exist for all the acts preceding this date, for which the possibility of communicating the transfer of the vehicle to third parties is provided.

What about the family?

It is then the same law that expressly excludes cases of cars registered in the name of a family member or partner. So the children can use the car of the parents and the spouses that of the partner, without any danger. Similarly, friends can borrow an acquaintance's car, even for a few days.
The obligation, we repeat, takes place only for continuous and prolonged use beyond 30 days.
Professionals, companies or, in any case, those who do not comply with the legal obligation to drive a car registered to third parties

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Experts gave tips for safe taxi rides

When ordering a taxi for a safe trip, you need to write down your requirements for a taxi driver and have a good understanding of the existing taxi order aggregators. Such advice on the press conference NSN gave a human rights activist in the field of passenger taxi transportation from the injured Yandex. Take, the representative of the public movement "blue bucket" Elena Graschenkova. According to her, orders through aggregators (for example, Yandex.Taxi, Gett and others) are equal to voting on the road, only in a slightly improved format.

“Aggregators are interested in your ignorance and driver ignorance. Drivers today are not shown the endpoint of your route. The passenger thinks that he is receiving the service, but in fact, he is the goods. They simply sold you, sold your personal data, ”said Grashchenkova.

Taxi drivers union supports airport fines

Therefore, you must not be shy about your requirements, she said. According to the human rights activist, the largest number of accidents occur due to the driver falling asleep while driving. “Always write in the capital letters in the comments: ONLY A LOSS DRIVER, NOT MORE THAN 6-8 HOURS DRIVING. This is not a panacea, but you need to show the organizers that we are aware of. They actually react to everything. The more we don’t know, the more their hands are untied, ”the representative of the Blue Buckets advises.

In addition, it is necessary to separate the ridesharing services that aggregators provide and the services of classic analog taxis. Grashchenkova advises using the latter, but if a citizen decided to use ride-sharing, then he should figure out which of them is the best. The human rights activist also advises against tying a bank card to taxi calling applications. In this case, the passenger has the right to refuse the trip if the arrived taxi driver does not suit them, the human rights activist said. The head of the Guild of Russian Driving Schools Sergey Lobarev added that Russians should stop being shy about voicing their complaints against drivers. London airport taxi service

“We are sometimes shy about commenting on the driver. This also applies to taxi drivers, public transport. Talks on the phone, distracted, build eyes. Do not be shy to speak. You just say: “I ask you to stop talking on the phone, I will have to do this and that.” Feel free to express your opinion on social networks and employers, ”said Lobarev.

In turn, the coordinator of the Stop Illegal interregional social movement, an expert at the Trade Union of Capital Taxi Drivers Evgeny Grek, advised using old lamp taxi parks, which, he said, were still somewhere to look at the driver when boarding a taxi. “Get in the car - look at the driver. Smell, gleam, inappropriate behavior. Do not be shy. This is your life, this is your health. Say “stop”, or don’t start the trip, ”the expert advised.

Recall that a press conference was held at the NSN press center on an initiative prohibiting foreign citizens from working as taxi drivers. About it earlier said the head of the relevant committee of the State Duma Evgeny Moskvichev. Participants in the NSN press conference said that in almost half of the accident, illegal taxi drivers were involved and that the issue of regulating this area directly concerned the preservation of human lives.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Digital marketing for beginners: How to learn about this area and stand out in the market?

Do you want to know what is the way to learn all about digital marketing? We will show you in this post! Without a doubt, the rise of the Internet was one of the greatest revolutions in the branches of technology and communication in the history of mankind. If before the access to information was precarious and dependent on press vehicles and books, today it is at a distance of one click. With such a powerful tool, the business world has changed. And, of course, the marketing environment followed.

Today digital marketing is part of the consumer's daily life, adapting to their customs and technological innovations. Don't you think to Accompany some recent data on online strategies, only in Brazil:

92.1% of companies are in social networks;

69.3% of companies use SEO as one of their strategies;

99.5% of agencies use at least one digital marketing tool;

94% of agencies base their actions on metric web platforms;

71% of companies adopt content marketing;

98.8% of people have already bought in a virtual store.

And perhaps, the best statistic for you, that you are starting your career in digital marketing: More than ⅓ of marketing managers believe that in the next 5 years, digital will be responsible for 75% of the expenses of companies in the sector. It is clear that the digital environment is as promising as it is vast. There are many actions, strategies, aspects, and possibilities, which can end up scaring novice professionals who intend to enter the area. Many beginners feel more lost than Jon Snow beyond the wall, or when you first played Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 64 (nostalgia, Zelda). If you have difficulty understanding the world of digital marketing and want to know everything that is needed to stand out in the area, this article has been made for you. In the next few lines, you will know everything about digital marketing for beginners and how to give a boost to your entry into the fantastic atmosphere of the web. Digital marketing training Bangladesh

But what is digital marketing?

It is not necessary to be Sheldon Cooper to understand digital marketing. In reality, its concept is quite similar to that of traditional marketing, with the difference that its actions are aimed at the public that is connected to the Internet. One of the most famous definitions is that of Philip Kotler, considered one of the most important names in the sector by various magazines and professionals in the area:

“Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market with benefits. Marketing identifies unrealized needs and desires. Define, measure and quantify the size of the identified market and the profit potential ”

Marketing Management

That is, a tool for business and, as such, has the ultimate goal of generating sales. Jones and Ryan succinctly describe in their bestseller that digital would be the next stage of marketing strategies. The Supersayajin of business. “Digital marketing can be considered an evolution of traditional marketing, appropriating digital technologies (Internet, software, platforms, devices, among others) that allow people to connect with each other, where, when and for whatever reason, they want” Understand digital marketing: Marketing strategies to compromise digital generation In summary, it is an activity that aims to use the processes of change to meet the wishes, needs, and expectations of customers, based on the habits and customs of the consumer and aim to provide unique experiences. You probably already understood that digital marketing aims to boost business financial health through technology, right? So, we are ready to move on to the next level. Next, know what are the main internet marketing strategies.